No calls today x_X lols. woke up late today. 1pm i guess hmm. went out in the evening wif parents for dinner then came back to rush my project. pretty boring day~ tmr's a short day in sch. cya~
3 bad dreams in a week. aiks~
shouted at 22:40
May 30, 2007
Tmr's a holiday. Yeah?? Hmm. Cant get to see you either. 3 more days till u come back. Life's pretty empty without you. lols. Come back soooooooon!! miss ya so muchh.
shouted at 22:48
May 29, 2007
Sleeping pretty soundly jus nw till you called. Actually i was wondering who dares disturb my slumber =X haha feels great again to hear your voice and know that your are doing well there. sat night. hope i can see u first when u touch down in singapore. take kare! *hugs*
does absence really makes the heart grow fonder
i think it does x_X
cya soon!! MUACKS!!
shouted at 16:38
May 28, 2007
Today was a pretty boring day until u called jus nw. My day was brightened up instantly. Your voice sounded so good to mi =D take good kare of yourself hor! Love ya~
sorry i missed your call yesterday T___T miss ya so muchh *hugs*
shouted at 19:17
May 27, 2007
boring~~ .____.
woke up wif tears in my eyes
shouted at 17:44
Jus came back home. hmm. kristyn went off yesterday. T__T wun hear her voice again for another 8 days haiz. yesterday was a meaningful day. spendin the morning wif you was good enough n_n
i wan my hug T___T
Jus nw, we had the rox BBQ. nt really well done but was quite a success. manage to reclaim all the cost price. daniel and i gt toss into the sea .____. basket. it was fun and memorable. the stars at ECP was nice. lol tats random .__.
you were not here to see it wif me.. =(
We went off around 2am i think. Reach home at 2.45 plus minus~ missing you badly nw. hais. take good kare of yourself there kae. hope to cya 8 days later x_X
missing you real badly..
shouted at 02:59
May 21, 2007
Bad day today. DMPF lesson was a nightmare. My group had to rush a last minute ammend to our project. I din read properply and neither did my groupmates. Then in the end the whole thing was sloopy and last minute. Everything was jus a disaster x_X In the end we lost 5% of the overall! (DAMMIT 5%!! BLARDY HELL) cause the freakin video cant work.!! *chants. chill..*
My group consist of ppl from diff class 3 ppl including mi. One of them failed alot of subjects and he is retaking and the other one is like mi abit heck kare attitude. I think i'm gona die man~ No motivation at all. One is slacking one at least gt do something. Zzz.
Anyway its over no point brooding over it aiks x_X met daniel in the bus earlier. I was like OMG and i din see him. haha. he boarded the bus the same time as mi and i din see him lols. Then chat wif him in the bus till the bus stop and i accompany him to wait for his bus. We crapped alot x_X haha.
Nw for some random things. Our sch recently got some Flashy virus from TP network. Then jus now in class.
Teacher: Hey! Why did my com hang Alaric what did u do to my com!
Alaric: Thumbdrive la
Class: FLASHY!!
Minutes later when wilson was presenting..
Wilson: EH? The text format is wrong..
Class: FLASHY!!
Wilson: Nvm it should be the MAC format is diff from windows
Class: FLASHY!!
Wilson gt distracted somehow and said..
Wilson: So let us fastly get to the next point. AHH PUIII wad fastly is quickly.
ok tats abit cold .____.
ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily
ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily
Muacks!! n_n
shouted at 17:05
May 19, 2007
*clearing cobwebs* I'm back again. today wasn't a bad day after all nothing bad happened x_X. woke up in the morning around 10 and some lazy bum bum woke up at around tat time too eh? haha. went to sch at around 11+.
Teacher was late aiks. lesson today quite interesting maybe because its the teacher who is making it interestin. had maggie mee for lunch T___T no food available. lols. evening went out wif parents to tampines mall to have dinner.
Now for some random things~
Weird Fact no 1.
Some idiots in class jus cant be bother to switch off their handphones to silent mode although they have been warned lots of time. Is it so hard to switch the phone to slient mode? i dun know. ppl can msg in class but cant be bother to switch to silent. weird eh?
Weird Fact no 2.
Monkey see monkey do. I finally saw tat today. My dad was driving just now then he accidently misread the sign i suppose. It says turn left on red. means red light u can turn left. Then on red light my dad turn to the right. then the taxi and the car behind him also follow suit. .___. i was like wth. dun those ppl READ the frigging signs?
Weird Fact no 3.
Most people dun bother to look wad is behind them before making any move. then today saw alot of ppl kept bumpin to the person behind them for no reason and wasting their kou sui to say sorry. weird things do happen sometimes. hmm.
Weird Fact no 4.
Is our lab room so small? o_O? people tok to their classmates which is like 1.5m away from them, and they spoke as though they were one basket ball court away SO FRIGGIN NOISY. worst still some people speak on their handphone as if they were tokin to someone 1 big FOOTBALL FIELD away. x_X weird ppl do weird things. lols
OH ya and thx JIE!! MUACKS!! xD
ily ily ily ily ily AHHHH ily!! <3>
shouted at 20:05
May 17, 2007
I'M BEAT!! AHH! tired x_X for the first freaking time i'm sick of facing a computerl. today i faced a PC for freaking 10 hours straight with some minor 10 mins break in between. today's a tiring day. aiks. no classes tmr!! yea!! but. have to go back to sch to finish up my projects .__. tmr's CCN day too~
some random things i found in my APEL book.
Money can buy..
A house but not a home
A bed but not sleep
A clock but not time
A book but not knowledge
A position but not respect
Medicine but not health
Blood but not life
People but not friends
Happiness but not everlasting joy
Lets remember that a man's integrity is worth far more than fame or money
True wealth is what your are, not what you have
i'll be your strong standing pillar for your support, a sturdy table for your to hide in when an earthquake comes, a blanket that will give you warmth, a pail which u can spill all your troubles into and a special someone who will always stand by in your heart..
shouted at 20:45
May 16, 2007
Not a totally bad day today after all. lol. Skipped DBIS lec then went home to chunk my stuffs back at home x_X then on the way home met chin hong. haha quite long din see my good buddy le. we chatted on the way home. hes getting crappier .___. lol. went out with kristyn, vin and lin. not a very good start for tat part of the day x_X lots of stuff happened good and bad. hmm. mood was goin down significantly. lols. sorry if i made u pissed @_@
i was trying hard pretendin not to hear anything xD. but actually i heard everything lol. haha. doze off on the way home x_X and tata home sweet home~
shouted at 19:23
May 15, 2007
Geez now i'm the one who needs to chill x_X. *chanting...* yea. its fun to read wad u have posted long ago. it may bring back some good memories that u had left behind. bad memories too. din pay too much attention in class today either lol. for once i din felt the cold x_X cause i was driftin in my own world. lectures were boring as usual.
shouted at 18:24
May 14, 2007
Parents dont understand us and we dont understand them too. jie said its a generation gap. is it so hard for the own child's parent to have faith and trust in them. i wonder. sometimes they dun even bother to try to listen to our words. they mean well for us but somehow we think they meant well too much. they are concern over the limit abt us. mind's in a big mess now. gosh.
this suxs!
shouted at 07:30
May 13, 2007
Heaven is making a big joke out of us.
shouted at 19:27
Its just the start of an obstacle we faced.
Its not the end. It never was.
U cant defy and i wont let u defy either.
It has really been a few wonderful months we had together.
My heart once again sink back into darkness.
But i believe it will once again rise again..
i chose to believe too. its worth my time and tears for you..
ily <3
shouted at 10:06
May 10, 2007
Dinner at Marche yesterday was nice. Warming. It felt so good to be with friends. The sky was beautiful. Rosti was darn nice with sour cream. =D For the first time, I ate crepe. It was sweet. And we were fighting over which flavoured ice cream to go with the crepe. I didn't want straciatella. Ah well. It was darn farnee.
Yesterday will remain in that special part of my brain and heart for as long as I can rmb. Oh gosh. Love them! That kiasu-ness and..make-our-money-worthwhile attitude was farnee. Sparked loads of laughter. Reminisced abt our sec 2 school life; Home ec. WAHA.
Then we engaged in some sort of controversial topic for a few minutes.
Kirt: Does heaven really exist?
Amanda:The first day we stepped into this world, we're waiting to die.
Shao cheh: Living on earth is a torture. Everyone's aim is heaven.
Ah wells. And we went shopping. I'm heeding my mum's advice to wait for GSS. X_X! Another 2 weeks. That's what she said. UGH. It felt terrible to walk with blisters and sore feet. Gosh. Luckily I reminded darling to bring those plasters. >_> I had to remind him so many times. And..those cookies.. Hmm..not sure if they'll last. But I may end up throwing them away. They're not nice. )=
Oh. And it was after 3 weeks, not 2. =P I felt the same. No difference. Just another ordinary day. Is it X_X soon?
shouted at 09:36
May 9, 2007
Seeing u makes mi smile~
Having u beside mi makes mi happy~
Huggin u in my arms makes mi feel warm and glad~
Having u in my life makes mi feel like i'm top of the world~
Sch today was boring~ nth much to say abt it. seeing u after 2 weeks really made mi really smile for the first time n_n ahhhh i'm so dory forgot to take the cookies T___T ahhhhh
ily <3
shouted at 22:46
Today hasn't been going well for me. Thank you for the heavy downpour. And I wanted to swim. Hm. But I mean it when I say thank you. Don't bother reading too deeply into my words coz I'm very literal most of the times. To put it bluntly, superficial at times. That is, with my words.
Physics paper was horrid today. There goes my 1. There's still that tiny bit of chance though, but it's being overwhelmed by that huge proportion of darkness. Stupidity. Carelessness. Stress. Kae. I suck. But at 9.30am sharp. I tried to console myself. Just learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.
Actually.. I always say that; after every single paper I feel I've done badly. I bet I'm not the only one who says that. But face it. How many of us can actually say that and feel good? Or less bad? Learn and learn. Some pple don't learn from their mistakes ya know. Or. People like me have to make the same mistake over and over again before realising how stupid I was. When I look back. And it's inevitable that the sour feeling still lingers for some time b4 you can actually get over things or decisions you wish you had not done or made.
Time heals everything and leave scars. Good scars, bad ones. Good scars make you reflect and learn. The latter just stains your heart. Black. Not dark blue. BLACK. Nice colour. But anyway, .. After letting everything out via paragraphs of words, I should feel a lil' better. Love this form of communication. Everything's found in it.
shouted at 12:48
May 6, 2007
I think God created humans to entertain himself. It's like... A big giant. Playing with cars and people. Buildings and trains. Except for that special element added - feelings.
I thought parental objections only occurred in dramas. Never knew they could happen in reality. LOLs.
I shall try to change my mindset and attitude towards all these. Maybe if I tell myself it'll last, it will. Coz right now, I somehow see that moment of separation coming. Sooner or later. If I say it'll last, at least I know I've tried. The both of us have tried. No regrets whatsoever. =]
Life is about living eh? With goals and aims. And those obstacles, relationships and love that keeps you goin'. Does everyone live for a reason? To be the reason for another's smile? Or the reason for another's tears? Or simply, to witness and experience?
Now. Navigate away from all those thoughts. Back into my world. My dad just stifled my passion. He's soooooooooooooooo against me baking. He doesn't approve of me getting an oven. Maybe for now. I don't know. I don't wanna know. Coz mummy promised to buy me one. Will she fulfil that? And I just realised that my parents are always missing out on some of the most important parts of my life. Prize giving, performances.. they were hardly there. When other parents were, for their child. And Daddy won't be seeing me perform on the 19th. He's gonna miss his lil' girl's performance.
shouted at 22:00
yes. i am. afraid of losing you. scared of letting you go in the end.
forever? jus a plain old 7 letter word use commonly.
does 'forever' lies in death? god knows.
its jus something tat will be broken in the end.
something in my heart which will always be there no matter wad happens.
u gave me my every tomorrow.
u gave me a reason to live on.
as i said i cant afford to lose you. u meant alot to me.
sometimes thoughts might lead us astray.
i trust u. i believe in you even if u dun think u will believe in yourself.
i need you. your heart. with mi ..
love you.
hatred is nt a part of my vocab either. i'll nvr hate u for anything u do. i respect your decisions and actions =]. i also cant really 100% promise anything god knows i might die tmr. ily.. *hugs*
shouted at 19:10
May 5, 2007
Now. I think this makes sense.
Life - 4 simple letters, yet so complicated.
Love - 4 simple letters, yet so confusing.
Feelings - 8 simple letters, yet so inexplicable.
Regrets - 7 simple letters, yet they never seem to disappear.
Silence - 7 simple letters, yet it can be so deafening.
Time - 4 simple letters, yet there is never enough.
Pain - 4 simple letters, yet it takes so long to heal.
Mistakes - 8 simple letters, yet they can never be erased.
You - 3 simple letters, yet it means everything.
Have you ever wanted to ask a question but you didn't 'cause you knew your heart wouldn't be able to handle the answer?
I can't promise not to think. I won't. It may end up being empty. I don't like making promises because I can't guarantee I can fulfil 'em. It takes a lot of effort and I think I lack that calibre. I'll only say; I'll try my best. =] Hatred and promises are not part of my vocab.
shouted at 21:51
May 4, 2007
Here i am again blogging. dear's cheescake looks nice to eat haha i wan T_T. she promised to make one for mi on my birthday wahaha! downloaded o2 today so happy ^^ but deteriorated alot =( consequences of nt playin for so long. haiz. sch work startin to pile up one by one bad @_@ dear haiz-ing again .___. and she laughing to herself lol =P haha stars are nice today btw ^^
it will be a pleasant one <3>
love ya~
shouted at 21:17
My best first time. =D Cheesecake. This mini one [slightly larger than my hp screen] wasn't meant for anyone. Now it's gonna like rot in my fridge.
And the one for my parents looks childish. Garnishing it with moulded chocolates made it look juvenile. Gosh. X_X Failed.
Chemistry was the easiest paper for me. Isabella thought it was quite difficult. Heck. 1 more down. 2 more to go. Whee la la.
Thought abt ridiculous stuff on the bus ride home. It was funny. To be honest. Nah..not to be. Shall not reveal it now. Maybe never. But definitely not here.
And I think the reason why people give up someone they truly love to another person.. Is just to make themselves feel less guilty, or maybe even guilt-free. Hmm. Maybe not. I shall think deeper into this when I'm more clear-headed.
First times are unforgettable. Leave the deepest impression. Leave the deepest scars. The most vividly lodged in your mind.
Make my first time a pleasant one please. <3
shouted at 20:49
May 3, 2007
Gosh. Time flies unexpectedly quick. Tmr's Chemistry. Third last paper. God. Then I'll be left with phy and A math. After saturday, sunday and monday. 3 more days! Gonna take my own time to digest phy concepts and relax seh! And make a cheesecake for mummy's+daddy's birthday! And continue thinking abt the afterexamactivities. =D
God. I sure know how to relax.
Kirt: Am I tanner?
Amanda: Ar?
Kirt: I went swimming yesterday. =D
Amanda: WA. You still have time to swim a?! I didn't have much time to study bio lehs. Studied practically the whole day lohs.
Kirt: Har..why so long. I studied bio for only 3 hrs. Ss about 3.5 hrs only. @_@
Amanda: cannot finish lehs..
I love the exams. I just don't appreciate the results sometimes. Kae. MOST of the time. And I was still so worried coz I couldn't find my chem notes earlier. That was like after revising the whole theory part of the text. That piece of paper sure got me looking high and low for it. When I found it,.. it was "YES! Finally can study!"
It's a joy to study. I like the feeling of workin' hard for something. For the future? Nope. For myself. It's odd. For once. I'm enjoying the exams. Being able to relax during the exams..has been what I've wanted to achieve. I did it I guess. =D And sometimes, I don't want the exams to be over so soon.
Without the exams, I wouldn't look forward to the holidays & of course, the afterexamactivities!
Without the painful separations, people won't cherish those around them.
Without deaths and the so-called accidents, people won't cherish life.
shouted at 21:35
May 1, 2007
Life is short. ok tats random .__. ahh today woke up late 12+ i think hmm. woke up saw dear's morning msg haha. then went to kovan eat lunch after tat went ahma's house. then reached home around 4+
sch's at 8 tmr boring @_@ dear's havin exams tmr good luck!! =D must jia you! *hugs* got your song le. oven cant help u revive .__. next wed will come very fast de ^^ kambatehhhh!! MUACKS!
shouted at 22:23